Corporate Social Responsibility

I Ching Mindfulness Coloring Book

Project Design and Introduction

Participate in “易圖思mInd CHangING” Mindfulness Coloring Book project, share the concept of Body Mind and Soul balancing, and promote family and social harmony.


1. Remind all to pay attention to own and people around them on mental well-being.  Learn how to calm our minds with regular mindfulness practice to achieve stress relief from pressure in our daily life .  Understand the importance of body mind balance and holistic well-being. 

2. Introduce coloring as the simplest type of meditation; mind yoga for relaxation.   It is similar to rebooting a mobile phone or computer after long term use. 

3. Promote philosophical wisdom of I Ching (Book of Changes) for everyday application, teaching people on the wisdom of balance we are to achieve under all different circumstances in simple language. 

4. Raise awareness on the concept of social inclusion in our society; many use art therapy for the mental handicapped and ill, we have included their drawings together with other contributors which means a lot to them.

5. Encourage parents and children to carry out coloring as bonding activities, promote harmonious family life,  and cultivate creativity and concentration of everyone.  Group activities with friends are also encouraged as joint activities.

Note: You should send us the finished coloring work, include your written reflections and suggestions, we will select and publish them in our coming website (free download for public).

“易圖思mInd CHangING” Mindfulness Coloring Book project : email address:

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